Summer Jr High Bundle, 3 Pack
Save 61% on 3 junior high series!
This bundle includes:
Friendship ($35 VALUE): 4-week series helping students navigate the world of friendship.
Splash ($35 VALUE): NEW & IMPROVED 4-week series that focuses on stories in the Bible related to water.
The Heat is On ($35 VALUE): NEW & IMPROVED 4-week series that explores stories in the Bible involving fire.
This product, like all our resources, is a download item.
What’s Included?
- Series artwork for promotional purposes (cover slide and blank text slide)
- Lessons come in both Word & PDF format. Edit as needed and easily share with volunteers.
- Fun opening games
- Creative, relevant teachings
- Engaging small group discussion questions
Friendship Overview
This series answers these questions and more: Why is it important to choose good friends? How do you choose good friends? How can you influence your friends?
Week 1: Choosing the Right Friends
Bible: Proverbs 18:24; Proverbs 12:26; Matthew 15:14
Bottom Line: Everyone cannot be your friend.
What’s that to me? It is very important that we learn how to “choose” the right friends that will help us to grow and become better people.
Week 2: Impact!
Bible: Proverbs 27:17; Ruth 1:6-14; Ruth 16-18
Bottom Line: When iron blades are rubbed together, each of them become sharper and more effective.
What’s that to me? I have the ability to impact my friends in a positive way that will make us all better.
Week 3: What kind of friend are you?
Bible: Mark 2:4; Ecclesiastes 4:9-10; Genesis 2:18
Bottom Line: Strive to be the very best friend you can be.
What’s that to me? Your friendships may require you to put in a lot of work but it is all worth it in the end.
Week 4: Your Ride or Die Friends
Bible: 1 Samuel 19
Bottom Line: Your ride or die friends will stick with you through the good times and the bad.
What’s that to me? Some people are just temporarily passing through your life but your true friends will hang in there until the very end.
Splash Overview
WEEK 1: Baptism of Jesus
Bible: Matthew 3:5-6; 13-17
Bottom Line: Baptism is an outward demonstration of an inward desire to follow Jesus.
WEEK 2: Jesus and Peter Walk on the Water
Bible: Matthew 14:22–32
Bottom Line: Focus on Jesus and amazing things can happen!
WEEK 3: The Woman at the Well
Bible: John 4:7–10; 13–14
Bottom Line: Like water satisfies the body, Jesus satisfies the soul.
WEEK 4: Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet
Bible: John 13:1–17; Luke 10:25–42
Bottom Line: Serve others rather than yourself.
The Heat Is On Overview
WEEK 1: God Used Fire to Communicate.
Bible: Exodus 3:1–15 (Moses & the Burning Bush)
Bottom Line: When God speaks, listen up.
WEEK 2: God Used Fire to Lead.
Bible: Exodus 13:17–22
Bottom Line: Allow God to be in control of your life.
WEEK 3: God Used Fire to Purify.
Bible: Malachi 3:1-4; 8-12
Bottom Line: Identify the junk in your heart and partner with God to purify your heart.
WEEK 4: God Used Fire to Start a Church.
Bible: Acts 2
Bottom Line: God, in the form of the Holy Spirit, begins the process of life-change as we respond to Him.