Summer Days: 8-Week Series
Summer Days Is An 8-Week Summer Series for Youth Ministry
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Summer is a awesome opportunity to reach students.
Use this series to make a huge impact in the lives of those in your youth group this summer.
Throughout the Summer Days series, students will be challenged to:
- Live a summer of significance
- Deepen their relationship with God
- Make healthy choices
- And so much more!
What You Get
- Instant Download - Instantly download all the series contents immediately after purchase. Send the download link to leaders for immediate distribution.
- Series Artwork (widescreen 1280 x 720) - Includes the main artwork for the series (cover artwork) and a blank text version, which you can use to create slides as needed.
- Lessons in Both PDF & Word Doc Format - Customize the lessons as needed and easily share with your volunteer team.
- Leader Script - A lesson script is included with everything written out word for word. We encourage you to use it as a guide, rather than a script. We include a complete script so that you have everything you need to make the most out of each lesson.
- Lesson Outlines - For each lesson, an outline of the complete lesson is included. That way, you can use it for quick reference or as an easy guide to add your original content.
Each Lesson Includes
- Opening Game/Icebreaker
- Complete Customizable Lesson
- Lesson Outline
- Small Group Discussion Questions
Download a Sample
Click the button below to download a sample lesson. That way, you can get a taste for the "awesomeness" contained in each series.
Summer Days Overview
Lesson 1: The Summer of Significance: Challenging the Norm this Summer
Main Text: Daniel 1:8-16
Description: As Christians, we’re not called to be normal. In fact, we’re often called to be the exact opposite! Let's talk about some things God is calling us to this summer that are definitely not the norm in our culture.
Lesson 2: Summer Lovin’
Main Text: Luke 10:27
Description: The term, “summer lovin’” is used to describe relationships that begin in the summer that often result in someone falling head over heels in love (or infatuation, as the case may be) in a very short amount of time. Anyone who has ever experienced summer love knows that there are no lengths you will not go to to be around or get to know that one special person better. Why not apply this approach to your relationship with God this summer?
Lesson 3: I Know What You Did Last Summer
Main Text: Romans 12:2
Description: Don’t fall into the trap of thinking “what happens in the summer stays in the summer.” The choices you make this summer will affect your future. In the future, when you think back on this summer, what kind of person do you want to remember yourself as?
Lesson 4: Heat Index
Main Text: Revelation 3:15-16
Description: What’s your heat index? If you’re not more on fire for God right now than you’ve ever been, it may be time to reevaluate some things. Summer is an amazing time to reignite your passion for God. If you feel that you are stuck in a lukewarm area of your walk with God, that is a scary place to be, and it’s time to get out of there.
Lesson 5: Summer Vacation — Sleeping In On the Race
Main Text: Philippians 3:12-14
Description: One of the best things about summer is sleeping in. That temptation to get lazy and “sleep in” on other areas of life can definitely start happening. Don’t let this happen with your relationship with God!
Lesson 6: Living Water
Main Text: John 4:13-14
Description: Water is refreshing, enjoyable, satisfying, and is necessary for life. It satisfies our thirst and keeps us alive, so it makes sense that Jesus talks about living water. Our relationship with Him both sustains and refreshes us.
Lesson 7: Road Trip — Which Map Are You Following?
Main Text: Psalm 119:105; Joshua 1:8 ; Deuteronomy 6:6-8
Description: Whenever you want to go somewhere new, you follow a map to help you get there. Where do you want to go spiritually this summer? What map are you following? God’s Word is the most important map you could ever follow. How can you follow it if you don’t read it?
Lesson 8: Back to Reality
Main Text: John 15:1-5
Description: As summer comes to an end and the beginning of the school year is in sight, it’s important to think about what kind of lifestyle you’re going to have. If you want to live a life for God this school year, it’s impossible to do so with dead branches in your life.