Christmas Madness
Christmas Madness - 4 Week Series
This product, like all our resources, is a download item.
The Christmas season often brings out all sort of “madness” in students' lives. They go crazy over all the stuff they want for Christmas. Some even manipulate their parents to get what they want.
It is so easy for students to get caught up in the "it's all about me" attitude rather than focusing on "serving others" and celebrating Jesus' birth.
Students are ingrained at an early age that those who are "Naughty" get treated bad (no presents for you) and those who are "Nice" get blessed (woohoo....lots of presents). That attitude can shape how we view others. Bad people deserve to be punished or ignored. Good people should be treated with respect.
For middle schoolers, Christmas is a passive event. They are mostly on the receiving end of things. Nobody tells them or gives them an opportunity to BRING Christmas to others.
The "Christmas Madness" series FLIPS these ideas upside down and helps middle schoolers see things the way that God does.
The Christmas Madness Series Helps Middle Schoolers:
- Focus on others instead of themselves.
- Celebrate Jesus' birth.
- See & treat everyone, Naughty or Nice, with love, respect and compassion.
- Yes, even their enemies.
- Bring Christmas to others. Yes, God wants middle schoolers to change the world around them!
Week 1: “Tis The Season” 1 Kings 18:21-29
Description: As Christians, we do not treat others with love so that we stay on God’s good side. We don’t do it to make others happy. We don’t do it to get blessings or gifts. We do it because that even when we weren’t good, God was good to us.
Week 2: “Naughty or Nice” Luke 10:30-37
Description: We are nice to those people on our good side, but to the people on our bad side, we are rude. We don’t listen to them; we don’t respect them; and worst of all, we don’t tell them about Jesus. And we sure aren’t expressing His love through the way we treat them. God calls us to love and to treat with love, the people on our Naughty lists.
Week 3: “The Gift of Giving” Psalm 37:21
Description: Just like a comic book character chooses whether to use their super powers as a Hero or Villain, we also have the choice how to use our hearts—either towards giving to others, or keeping things for ourselves (selfishness). We become either Heroes for Christ, or Grinch-like Villains.
Week 4: “Unexpected Surprise” Genesis 1:27 & 1 Timothy 4:12
Description: God believes that you are ready to change the world. God entrusted the fate of the world to a Middle Schooler. And guess what? The same God who sent his son to earth is the same God we serve today.
What You Get
- Fun opening game
- Creative teaching
- Engaging small group discussion questions
- Eye catching object lessons
- Cool video/visual illustrations
Each Lesson Includes
- Lesson comes in both Word Document and PDF. Edit as needed and easily share with your volunteers.
- Series artwork for promotional purposes (flyer, web, handout, etc.)
- Complete PowerPoint slides (widescreen)