AWKWARD: 4-Week Series
This 4-week series focuses on unlikely, weird, strange, and odd people and situations that God used to accomplish awesome things.
This item, like all our resources, is only available as a download.
What’s Included?
- Series artwork for promotional purposes (cover slide and blank text slide)
- Lessons come in both Word & PDF format. Edit as needed and easily share with volunteers.
- Fun opening games
- Creative, relevant teachings
- Interactive small group activities
- Engaging small group discussion questions
AWKWARD Overview
Week 1: The Road of Honey
Bible: Matthew 3:1-12
Bottom Line: Even someone who doesn’t have it all together can do something great for God. God used John the Baptist to pave the way for the arrival of Jesus. John had some weird eating habits, but God still used him in an important way.
Week 2: A Wee Little Man
Bible: Luke 19:1-10
Bottom Line: Zacchaeus had to change his posture, or position in order to see Jesus more clearly. Sometimes in our life our perspective is skewed, we need to change our approach, and when we do that we see Jesus in a whole new way.
Week 3: Through the Roof
Bible: Luke 5:17:39
Bottom Line: Sometimes the craziest ideas reap a rewarding result. It doesn’t matter what condition you are in when you come to Jesus, when you come He will change your life.
Week 4: Didn’t See That Coming
Bible: John 8:1-11
Bottom Line: Have you ever been caught doing something embarrassing? Most people will react with shame and disgust, but Jesus shows compassion and grace. Even in our most awkward situations, Jesus responds to us with love.