Splash: 4-Week Summer Series (NEW & IMPROVED)
This NEW & IMPROVED 4-week summer series focuses on stories in the Bible related to water.
This product, like all our resources, is a download item.
This series explores the exciting adventures of John baptizing Jesus, Peter walking on water, Jesus’s conversation with the woman at the well, and Jesus washing the disciples’ feet.
Students will go beyond knowing the facts of these stories to discovering the amazing truths that have the potential to change their lives!
Includes exciting, fun summer games.
What’s Included?
- Series artwork for promotional purposes (cover slide and blank text slide)
- Lessons come in both Word & PDF format. Edit as needed and easily share with volunteers.
- Fun opening games
- Creative, relevant teachings
- Interactive small group activities
- Engaging small group discussion questions
Splash Overview
WEEK 1: Baptism of Jesus
Bible: Matthew 3:5-6; 13-17
Bottom Line: Baptism is an outward demonstration of an inward desire to follow Jesus.
WEEK 2: Jesus and Peter Walk on the Water
Bible: Matthew 14:22–32
Bottom Line: Focus on Jesus and amazing things can happen!
WEEK 3: The Woman at the Well
Bible: John 4:7–10; 13–14
Bottom Line: Like water satisfies the body, Jesus satisfies the soul.
WEEK 4: Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet
Bible: John 13:1–17; Luke 10:25–42
Bottom Line: Serve others rather than yourself.