Spring Junior High Bundle
For $49 get our 3 BRAND NEW junior high series valued at $105.
This product, like all our resources, is a download item.
THE POWER OF WORDS ($35 VALUE) - This 4-week series focuses on the impact that our words have on our lives and others. What we say matters and the Bible has a lot to say about it!
MIND GAMES ($35 VALUE) - This 4-week series talks about how we think and how that affects us in every aspect of our lives. Our minds can be clouded by the world, but the Word of God makes our thoughts clear.
GUARD YOUR HEART ($35 VALUE) - This 4-week series reminds teens that God has a lot to say about the condition of our hearts and why that matters.
What You Get In Each Series:
- Series artwork for promotional purposes (cover slide and blank text slide)
- Lessons come in both Word & PDF format. Edit as needed and easily share with volunteers.
- Fun opening games
- Creative, relevant teachings
- Interactive small group activities
- Engaging small group discussion questions