Easter Flashback
Easter Flashback - 4 Week Series
This product, like all our resources, is a download item.
The Easter story is well known to many students. In this series, we take a look back at the events that led up to Easter weekend.
The story of Jesus dying and raising from the grave is given power and meaning when put into that context.
It is easy for students to feel like they have to be strong and do everything for themselves, not relying on anybody or anything.
In Easter Flashback, students will be challenged to let down their guard and place their trust in Jesus, rather than themselves.
Students will also discover that Jesus had a mission. He was on a mission to save each one of us.
Easter Flashback provides leaders with an opportunity to start conversations with students about their relationship with Jesus - to take the next step with Him.
The Easter Flashback Series Helps Middle Schoolers:
- See Jesus did and will do the impossible
- See that Jesus can give us more than we could ever imagine
- Figure out how they can be humble and let Jesus lead them
- Make a wise choice in giving their life to Jesus
Easter Flashback Overview
Week 1: “Jesus feeds the 5000” John 61 Kings 18:21-29
Description: As we look back at one of the amazing miracles Jesus performed, we see the seemingly impossible feeding of the 5,000. This lesson will be a chance for students to realize God cannot only take care of them, but He can go above and beyond what they need—providing leftovers when they thought He couldn’t take care of one meal.
Week 2: “The life, death, and life of Lazarus” John 11
Description: Here we see another of Jesus’ miracles when He brings Lazarus back to life. Students will be challenged to realize the power of Jesus. They'll discover the power of praying to Him -expecting Him to work in God-sized ways. Even if it doesn’t make sense or seem possible for them.
Week 3: “Jesus is washing feet?” John 13
Description: As we get closer to Easter, we begin to understand more about His plan. In this lesson, students will be challenged to humble themselves and take the first step in following Christ. They will have an opportunity to initiate a conversation about their relationship with Jesus.
Week 4: “The Easter Story” John 20
Description: Easter is here! In this lesson the Easter Flashback comes to an end. We see how all of these stories have brought us to Easter weekend. Students will be challenged to make a choice to follow Jesus.
What You Get
- Fun opening game
- Creative teaching
- Engaging small group discussion questions
- Eye catching object lessons
- Cool video/visual illustrations
Each Lesson Includes
- Lesson comes in both Word Document and PDF.
- Edit lessons as needed and easily share with your volunteers.
- Series artwork for promotional purposes (flyer, web, handout, etc.)
- Complete PowerPoint slides (widescreen)